Countless studies have shown that physical and psychological characteristics closely align with political orientation. This article covers some of the most significant findings and explores the origins of the Leftist personality type.
This is an accurate portrait of the leftist foot soldiers but not the leftist ruling class and managerial class.
The ruling class has coopted the left to serve their needs, enabling themselves to feel that they are on the side of the angels. Their propaganda outlets, like the NY times, portray the ruling class as speaking truth to power. Power being truck drivers, farmers and small business owners.
The managerial class gets a nice life in return for pledging loyalty to the rulers by immediately supporting every woke narrative. Being seen as a heretic, on the other hand, causes them to lose status, jobs and personal relationships including, if they are a man, possibly their marriage.
The true believers of this nonsense get a sense of belonging and status as well, possibly, as much better jobs than they merit.
The only people who are not being practical are those of us who are dissidents on the right. We risk the consequence of being shut out of most powerful positions, getting censored, and risking losing our jobs and bank accounts.
Elite support for Leftism is not a straightforward matter.
For centuries, Leftist ideology was steadily injected into the upper echelons of Western society by self-proclaimed 'conspirators,'* many of whom fit the psychological profile outlined in this article (freaks, hedonists, etc.).
Leftism is fundamentally an assault on civilization, normalcy, morality, health, strength, beauty, and so on. It is completely maladaptive and harmful to society.
Naturally, some elites, past and present, have recognized this fact and cynically adopted (or 'co-opted') Leftism as a tool to secure their own power by weakening the lower classes and destabilizing society.
This is particularly evident today, with our openly hostile and parasitic ruling class, which shows nothing but contempt for the Western masses.
However, many elites are sincere believers of Leftist ideology, and many are just as brainwashed as the masses; wealth and power do not protect you against mind-viruses.
Furthermore, Leftism itself was originally conceived by members of society's upper echelons, including the aristocracy, intelligentsia, bourgeoisie, and state bureaucracy. Some notable examples:
- Charles Fourier: Government bureaucrat, son of a wealthy businessman.
- Henri de Saint-Simon: Aristocrat, wealthy land speculator.
- Karl Marx: Married into aristocracy, descended from lineage of rabbis.
- Friedrich Engels: Industrialist father who owned large factories.
- Bertrand Russell: Aristocrat.
- Sidney Webb: Lawyer.
- Beatrice Webb: Daughter of barrister and wealthy investor.
Power-hungry rich kids, desperate to transform the world into their idealized utopia.
Finally, I have an incomplete theory that modern Leftism originated among the upper classes because they are the furthest removed from natural selection. The rise of the "biological leftist" can be attributed, in part, to post-industrial dysgenics. The upper classes were probably the first to experience post-industrial dysgenics because they were the first to escape Darwinian conditions.
Thank you for the thought-provoking comment and apologies for the tangential reply.
* See Marx's 1844 book "The Holy Family," referencing Gracchus Babeuf: "Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx recognized the Conspiracy of Equals as 'the first appearance of a truly active Communist party'"
Some of the more enlightening data I have come across concerning the Great Awokening are results from searches on articles mentioning woke terms over time.
Consistently, terms like White Privilege spiked right after Occupy Wall Street. The rulers were probably frightened that the rabble was going to come after them justifiably with pitchforks and decided to deflect their anger to social (rather than economic) issues that pose no threat to the rulers.
The idea that "wokeness" was created by the ruling class to prevent an imminent Socialist revolution is an inaccurate romanticization of Occupy Wall Street.
OWS was very similar to the BLM riots: It originated the "progressive stack," was organized on the ground by ANTIFA, conceptualized by an organization bankrolled by the Soros-Funded Tides Foundation, and openly embraced by much of the ruling class.
OWS still opposed sexism, racism, homophobia, and so on, and contemporary Leftists still support wealth redistribution, complain about economic inequality, and claim that we live under some sort of Right-Wing corporate dictatorship.
If social issues pose no threat to the ruling class, then why have they spent the last six decades dismantling the family, religion, culture, and nationality? The anti-White agenda was legally enshrined throughout the West in the 1960s, not the 2010s.
Socialism poses no genuine threat to the Globalist elite. They openly support wealth redistribution, pouring vast sums of money into "underprivileged" communities both domestically and internationally. The US government spends ~20% of its budget on welfare every year.
The popularization of Leftist theories in media is better attributed to a Long March Through the Institutions, with college-educated Leftists taking up influential positions, as well as technological developments, like social media. This study shows that the rise of Leftism in media mirrors an earlier rise of Leftism in academia:
Marxists are just one of many iterations of the true issue our race and the larger world is facing. The core of the issue goes back straight to liberalism and Christianity itself, the idea that free will exists, that humans have inalienable "rights," that the golden rule reigns supreme when nothing could be further from the truth.
If our people are too survive it must be through a return to hierarchy and autocracy, evil men may use means of achieving power and wealth that good men do not permit themselves to use, because of this good men must wield power thru the sword and punish all corrupt actors, be they capitalists, socialists or anarchists.
I'm not sure who exactly you are, but I do hope you realize the evils of capitalism and deregulation just as much as you realize the evils of socialism and egalitarianism.
If there's no free will, it means something forces people to act like they do. And then you have to explain what it is and how it is doing it.
If you're going to blame christianity and classical liberalism because of modern leftism, you have to go back to Rome and the begining of civilization.
Because the moment you invent things like laws and property, and you enshrine them by religion to make people respect them, then you have created inalienable rights.
So basically your position would mean living like a Stone age tribe, which is totally unserious.
You can say that the left is using ancient concepts and practices to further their agenda, but claiming it is because of them that leftism exists is thinking backward. Modern leftism is a very recent creation, and it has basically no past.
1. Free will does not exist, the cause of people actions is rooted in their biological reactions to stimuli and stimuli altering their minds software, humans are no different than computers in that sense, with the genes being the hardware and the societal input being the software.
2. Yes, I am going to blame Christianity because it is the origin of our issues, and yeah, it originated from a multitude of ideas from a variety of culture groups.
3. Property rights and laws are entirely artificial societal constructs that have no meaning in reality, and they should be altered to fit the needs to the state/nation. I would never suggest living like stone age tribes, I would suggest living within a totalitarian fascist state.
4. All ideas are built upon previous ideas and critiques/reactions of them, without understanding the evolution of leftism we will never be able to unravel why our people lost power over themselves and avert it from happening again, and more importantly, create a better society.
Christianity didn't originate from "a multitude of ideas from a variety of culture groups." It is the continuum of ancient Hebrews aka Indo-European legacy holing commonalities with Indian Vedic system. Abraham and Sarah were probably named after Brahman and Sarasvati. Israelites and Indian Aryans were both agriculturalists and herders. Jews are traders like Canaanites were.
I could almost have written this entire substack post, but yes, you're right about there being multiple categories of left-wing advocates.
The archetypes:
1. The Rulers. To them, the ideology is a means to power (Stalin, Obama, et al).
2. The Welfare Class. As described in this article, they live better under Leftism than under meritocracy.
3. The True Believers. Enough said.
4. The Go-Alongs. They don't believe, but when Leftism has power, better to keep your head down.
Many are in both the second and third category.
Another note: When these people find themselves at odds with each other (as they often do), they never attribute their conflicts to the ideology. Rather, every rival Leftist is "far-right". Ultimately, each Leftist is the only one true Leftist, if he dares to explore his alignment with all others closely enough.
Partly true, but many "salt of the earth" people are fools who deny global warming and other environmental problems, claiming leftist-like victim status when accused of contributing to those ills. Or simply denying that anything matters beyond their "honest labor" paychecks.
In other words, you can't claim moral purity by siding with only one major ideology. People are wrecking the world in many different ways, usually based on personal survival.
I'm not sure who those 32 people are in the grid at the top of the post. I assume they are mug shots of rioters or something similar. I looked at them closely and concluded that most of them have normal bone structure and features, but they have made themselves ugly with their hair, tattoos, and/or expressions. I think many leftist young people are part of the "indoctrinated masses" you describe, and are the victims of a rotten education system, broken families, and perverted culture. I myself, child of Communists, was a leftist activist in the 1960s until I happened to read a couple of conservative publications and turned on a dime, becoming conservative just as everyone else (it seemed) was becoming leftist. My looks didn't change, but life was better, although I remained short.
Looking "ugly" on purpose is a rejection of nominal standards of beauty. It's also a visual statement of pure, nonmajoritarian individuality and belief systems. The fact that a group look alike and can recognize each other doesn't sink into the individual or the group (Hollywood, art community) they identify with.
You can't scream about the oppressive patriarchy at an LGBTQAlphabetNumbers March and look like the Homecoming Queen. Think about it: The leftist look is a uniform of the weak, powerless and oppressed victim.
Imagine them in a war or serious depression without State nannies to look after them. Short imaginative exercise.
Interesting... I was a hippie freak when I moved to Manhattan at age 25. All it took to turn me into a staunch traditional-conservative thinker was enrolling my son the the NYC public school system. Of course, ever since, I've regretted many of my actions in the '60-'70's. POTUS Reagan captivated me, and now POTUS Trump.
I was a punk when I was younger and now that I've grown up I still am, I still dress alt and I don't think I'll ever abandon my steel capped boots.
But I am anything but a left winger, though most people on here would probably assume that I am if they saw me in the streets. Maybe not so much if they see me picking a fight with ANTIFA thugs though.
I would actually identify as far-right, because of my anti-government (not abolishment, but I want small government, decentralised and local), anti-corporate (as I basically consider corporations moreso in the public sector than private sector; corporations get many benefits through the government that smaller businesses don't get such as subsidies and bail outs, and therefore don't play by the rules of a free market system) and pro-free market position and the fact that I want to exterminate all Socialists.
I don't even think that hairstyles that deviate from the norm or tattoos make you ugly though, I think they can be made to look appealing if you actually have a good sense for aesthetics.
A lot of these people live unhealthy life styles and are likely feeling miserable and resentful all the time as that is what fuels leftism to begin with. If they actually took care of themselves, physically and mentally, I don't think they'd look that ugly.
The leftist are rudderless and godless. They seem to have all gone mad because of the lack of a spiritual foundation. To them, there is no God. They themselves have become God and most of us know what happens when to try to play God. They are full of hate and basically jealous of everyone and everything. Sad but true.
They tend to hate their whole families. You see it often during the holidays, which they spend by themselves.
Makes Christmas so much sweeter when I'm cosy, having a good time with my family and friends and knowing that there's a bunch of miserable, lonely leftists out there. Man, if they would just all go hang themselves to end their misery, would make for one hell of an awesome Christmas gift.
Everyone gets the face they deserve by 50. Was that a George Orwell quote? Many poor leftists are people damaged by a harmful, possibly unfair, experience of the world which has soured their outlook and appearance and rendered them mentally ill. They could stop accepting victimhood, repent and change their response to the unfairness by developing a Christian outlook which by courage and faith overcomes obstacles thereby brightening up their appearance.
I mean, I came from a broken home, with an abusive alcoholic dad who I would get into physical fights with almost daily. Don't see me whining about it and becoming a left wing subhuman.
Then again, I'm the type of person where the harder you beat me, the more I'll resist and the more you try to insult me and make me feel small, the more I will try to prove you wrong and succeed out of spite.
My hatred for leftists comes from the fact that I understand history and read a lot about Socialist regimes. After reading all that, along with books on economics that just solidify my viewpoint on how wrong and tyrannical left wingers are, I don't see how I couldn't come out of it hating leftists.
Has nothing to do with my past, Mr. armchair psychologist. Maybe my violent tendencies are related to that, but I'm better off this way. Unlike most people these days I at least have some backbone, you'll be thankful if you get assaulted by ANTIFA thugs and I'm there to help you and beat the ever living crap out of them.
My Liberal friends refuse to consider that at least some of their significant Leftist leaders are grifters, hypocrites, liars, nasty neighborhood Gestapo types. They refuse to consider their leaders promote policies that exacerbate problems such as homelessness, drug addiction, sectarian strife, the exploitation of foreign minorities and destruction of the environment. They consider writers (Schellenberger, Ngo) who explain that renewables don't work for powering our civilization anymore, their e-car runs 98% of the time on fossil fuels (charged at night), that BLM and Democrat/Liberal agitation on behalf of Blacks and the Indigenous is in practical terms only virtue-signalling (lack of change over decades). They won't engage in any fact-based discussion on any of these issues. Because they can't.
AOC said at times we focus too much on facts and not enough on "truth". Facts are practical. Her "truth" is emotional/philosophical: the Green New Deal destroys the non-rich's current quality of life is a fact. The "planet's biosphere" needs protection is her truth.
One note: physical "beauty" requires work. Harmony and physical heath and fitness require attention and effort. Building equity requires forward thinking, career development and saving now for enjoyment later. The leftist says these are "white supremacist" traits. Because the leftist is lazy, weak and afraid. They know they can't compete or defend themselves against nonlefitsts, so their strategy is to eliminate nonleftists.
I'd like to see some stats on how many children leftists have. Extinction Rebellion and Last Generation especially. Children require self-sacrifice, forward-thinking, delayed gratification. Work. Practical matters.
I mean the ones who aren't grifters, hypocrites and liars.
Having children is difficult and expensive. The Left prefers to let right-wing people pay the entire cost of parenthood, including money, pregnancy, sleepless nights, diapers, and exasperation.
Once the kid is old enough to go to school, the Leftists take over. The result is a far-left child that was produced at far greater right-wing cost than left-wing cost.
You say that it's the left's strategy to eliminate non-leftists.
But in all honest, since I view them as nothing other than enemies and traitors, I would eliminate them myself if I could. I don't see why people who want to rob from, enslave and genocide the people of their country and proceed to oppress them for generations to come should be given any rights at all.
WHOA! A million zillion THANX for this insight (and the straight-forward approach). TRUTH is easy, comedy is hard.
The frustration of traditional conservative thinkers/doers caused by the succeeding deceit of leftists is overwhelming many. A cynicism is developing (especially amongst the elderly) to simply "blow-off" politics/elections altogether and try to protect, or live-out, our lives as best we can.
Mitch McConnell doesn't want to understand any of this. A "loss" for him simply means staying in power.
POTUS Trump is our only Hope. His sacrifice must NOT be in vain.
Unnatural appearance alterations (unnatural hair color, piercings, tattoos) are all signs of left-wing thinking. The person recognizes his poor natural attractiveness and decides to give the finger to "conventional beauty standards" by overtly going against them. The objective is to make it as clear as possible that he's not trying to look conventionally attractive.
Such a person invariably rebels against other norms.
"It seems much more likely that an immoral, narcissistic, manipulative psychopath would only claim to be the most “loving” person in the world to conceal their malevolent, self-serving intentions."
Look up "Mimicry Deception Theory" (MDT) proposed by Daniel N. Jones:
Liberals put other oppressed races above themselves because they don't have the spine to say they feel marginalized and no one would listen. They are fanatical because the oppressed race represents them and the violence, immoral behavior, and lashing out at others is really the rage they feel towards others for themselves being less then to themselves and they use minorities of all race,creed, gender, and sexual orientation to justify their unacceptable behavior. Like a social conversion disorder.
Speaking of ugly, the day Roe was overturned, I watched a live-stream of someone just walking through all the groups in front of the Supreme Court. The difference in appearance of the people in various groups was very striking; most groups were protesting the ruling, and those people were some the strangest and angriest creatures I have ever seen, while the occasional group celebrating the ruling appeared vibrant, respectable, nicely dressed, etc.
Well written and expositive. No doubt the Republic is under attack by Woke Marxism. Seems to me the only way to put this Jin back in the bottle is for the Conservatives to learn how to battle the lefts "balloting" rather than seeking the individual vote. If Conservative cannot adapt and overcome this--Doom is in our future.
This is an accurate portrait of the leftist foot soldiers but not the leftist ruling class and managerial class.
The ruling class has coopted the left to serve their needs, enabling themselves to feel that they are on the side of the angels. Their propaganda outlets, like the NY times, portray the ruling class as speaking truth to power. Power being truck drivers, farmers and small business owners.
The managerial class gets a nice life in return for pledging loyalty to the rulers by immediately supporting every woke narrative. Being seen as a heretic, on the other hand, causes them to lose status, jobs and personal relationships including, if they are a man, possibly their marriage.
The true believers of this nonsense get a sense of belonging and status as well, possibly, as much better jobs than they merit.
The only people who are not being practical are those of us who are dissidents on the right. We risk the consequence of being shut out of most powerful positions, getting censored, and risking losing our jobs and bank accounts.
Elite support for Leftism is not a straightforward matter.
For centuries, Leftist ideology was steadily injected into the upper echelons of Western society by self-proclaimed 'conspirators,'* many of whom fit the psychological profile outlined in this article (freaks, hedonists, etc.).
Leftism is fundamentally an assault on civilization, normalcy, morality, health, strength, beauty, and so on. It is completely maladaptive and harmful to society.
Naturally, some elites, past and present, have recognized this fact and cynically adopted (or 'co-opted') Leftism as a tool to secure their own power by weakening the lower classes and destabilizing society.
This is particularly evident today, with our openly hostile and parasitic ruling class, which shows nothing but contempt for the Western masses.
However, many elites are sincere believers of Leftist ideology, and many are just as brainwashed as the masses; wealth and power do not protect you against mind-viruses.
Furthermore, Leftism itself was originally conceived by members of society's upper echelons, including the aristocracy, intelligentsia, bourgeoisie, and state bureaucracy. Some notable examples:
- Charles Fourier: Government bureaucrat, son of a wealthy businessman.
- Henri de Saint-Simon: Aristocrat, wealthy land speculator.
- Robert Owen: Factory owner.
- Mikhail Bakunin: Nobleman, son of a diplomat.
- Etienne Cabet: Lawyer, influential attorney general.
- Karl Marx: Married into aristocracy, descended from lineage of rabbis.
- Friedrich Engels: Industrialist father who owned large factories.
- Bertrand Russell: Aristocrat.
- Sidney Webb: Lawyer.
- Beatrice Webb: Daughter of barrister and wealthy investor.
Power-hungry rich kids, desperate to transform the world into their idealized utopia.
Finally, I have an incomplete theory that modern Leftism originated among the upper classes because they are the furthest removed from natural selection. The rise of the "biological leftist" can be attributed, in part, to post-industrial dysgenics. The upper classes were probably the first to experience post-industrial dysgenics because they were the first to escape Darwinian conditions.
Thank you for the thought-provoking comment and apologies for the tangential reply.
* See Marx's 1844 book "The Holy Family," referencing Gracchus Babeuf: "Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx recognized the Conspiracy of Equals as 'the first appearance of a truly active Communist party'"
Some of the more enlightening data I have come across concerning the Great Awokening are results from searches on articles mentioning woke terms over time.
Consistently, terms like White Privilege spiked right after Occupy Wall Street. The rulers were probably frightened that the rabble was going to come after them justifiably with pitchforks and decided to deflect their anger to social (rather than economic) issues that pose no threat to the rulers.
The idea that "wokeness" was created by the ruling class to prevent an imminent Socialist revolution is an inaccurate romanticization of Occupy Wall Street.
OWS was very similar to the BLM riots: It originated the "progressive stack," was organized on the ground by ANTIFA, conceptualized by an organization bankrolled by the Soros-Funded Tides Foundation, and openly embraced by much of the ruling class.
OWS still opposed sexism, racism, homophobia, and so on, and contemporary Leftists still support wealth redistribution, complain about economic inequality, and claim that we live under some sort of Right-Wing corporate dictatorship.
If social issues pose no threat to the ruling class, then why have they spent the last six decades dismantling the family, religion, culture, and nationality? The anti-White agenda was legally enshrined throughout the West in the 1960s, not the 2010s.
Socialism poses no genuine threat to the Globalist elite. They openly support wealth redistribution, pouring vast sums of money into "underprivileged" communities both domestically and internationally. The US government spends ~20% of its budget on welfare every year.
The popularization of Leftist theories in media is better attributed to a Long March Through the Institutions, with college-educated Leftists taking up influential positions, as well as technological developments, like social media. This study shows that the rise of Leftism in media mirrors an earlier rise of Leftism in academia:
Marxists are just one of many iterations of the true issue our race and the larger world is facing. The core of the issue goes back straight to liberalism and Christianity itself, the idea that free will exists, that humans have inalienable "rights," that the golden rule reigns supreme when nothing could be further from the truth.
If our people are too survive it must be through a return to hierarchy and autocracy, evil men may use means of achieving power and wealth that good men do not permit themselves to use, because of this good men must wield power thru the sword and punish all corrupt actors, be they capitalists, socialists or anarchists.
I'm not sure who exactly you are, but I do hope you realize the evils of capitalism and deregulation just as much as you realize the evils of socialism and egalitarianism.
This is ridiculous...
If there's no free will, it means something forces people to act like they do. And then you have to explain what it is and how it is doing it.
If you're going to blame christianity and classical liberalism because of modern leftism, you have to go back to Rome and the begining of civilization.
Because the moment you invent things like laws and property, and you enshrine them by religion to make people respect them, then you have created inalienable rights.
So basically your position would mean living like a Stone age tribe, which is totally unserious.
You can say that the left is using ancient concepts and practices to further their agenda, but claiming it is because of them that leftism exists is thinking backward. Modern leftism is a very recent creation, and it has basically no past.
1. Free will does not exist, the cause of people actions is rooted in their biological reactions to stimuli and stimuli altering their minds software, humans are no different than computers in that sense, with the genes being the hardware and the societal input being the software.
2. Yes, I am going to blame Christianity because it is the origin of our issues, and yeah, it originated from a multitude of ideas from a variety of culture groups.
3. Property rights and laws are entirely artificial societal constructs that have no meaning in reality, and they should be altered to fit the needs to the state/nation. I would never suggest living like stone age tribes, I would suggest living within a totalitarian fascist state.
4. All ideas are built upon previous ideas and critiques/reactions of them, without understanding the evolution of leftism we will never be able to unravel why our people lost power over themselves and avert it from happening again, and more importantly, create a better society.
Christianity didn't originate from "a multitude of ideas from a variety of culture groups." It is the continuum of ancient Hebrews aka Indo-European legacy holing commonalities with Indian Vedic system. Abraham and Sarah were probably named after Brahman and Sarasvati. Israelites and Indian Aryans were both agriculturalists and herders. Jews are traders like Canaanites were.
I could almost have written this entire substack post, but yes, you're right about there being multiple categories of left-wing advocates.
The archetypes:
1. The Rulers. To them, the ideology is a means to power (Stalin, Obama, et al).
2. The Welfare Class. As described in this article, they live better under Leftism than under meritocracy.
3. The True Believers. Enough said.
4. The Go-Alongs. They don't believe, but when Leftism has power, better to keep your head down.
Many are in both the second and third category.
Another note: When these people find themselves at odds with each other (as they often do), they never attribute their conflicts to the ideology. Rather, every rival Leftist is "far-right". Ultimately, each Leftist is the only one true Leftist, if he dares to explore his alignment with all others closely enough.
Partly true, but many "salt of the earth" people are fools who deny global warming and other environmental problems, claiming leftist-like victim status when accused of contributing to those ills. Or simply denying that anything matters beyond their "honest labor" paychecks.
In other words, you can't claim moral purity by siding with only one major ideology. People are wrecking the world in many different ways, usually based on personal survival.
A breakdown by sex would certainly heavily skew to white females as being the most radical leftist group.
Overeducated White Karens to be more specific........
Overeducated white, lesbian, atheist, disabled, FAT, Karens to be even more specific, LOL!
Maybe replace disabled with "fat"....
And, I just did, thanks CS! :)
HAHAHAHA or I should have added FAT! LOL
Singleness predicts left-wing voting even more than sex does, but both skew heavily.
The median single white woman is an overt socialist.
I'm not sure who those 32 people are in the grid at the top of the post. I assume they are mug shots of rioters or something similar. I looked at them closely and concluded that most of them have normal bone structure and features, but they have made themselves ugly with their hair, tattoos, and/or expressions. I think many leftist young people are part of the "indoctrinated masses" you describe, and are the victims of a rotten education system, broken families, and perverted culture. I myself, child of Communists, was a leftist activist in the 1960s until I happened to read a couple of conservative publications and turned on a dime, becoming conservative just as everyone else (it seemed) was becoming leftist. My looks didn't change, but life was better, although I remained short.
Looking "ugly" on purpose is a rejection of nominal standards of beauty. It's also a visual statement of pure, nonmajoritarian individuality and belief systems. The fact that a group look alike and can recognize each other doesn't sink into the individual or the group (Hollywood, art community) they identify with.
You can't scream about the oppressive patriarchy at an LGBTQAlphabetNumbers March and look like the Homecoming Queen. Think about it: The leftist look is a uniform of the weak, powerless and oppressed victim.
Imagine them in a war or serious depression without State nannies to look after them. Short imaginative exercise.
Interesting... I was a hippie freak when I moved to Manhattan at age 25. All it took to turn me into a staunch traditional-conservative thinker was enrolling my son the the NYC public school system. Of course, ever since, I've regretted many of my actions in the '60-'70's. POTUS Reagan captivated me, and now POTUS Trump.
I was a punk when I was younger and now that I've grown up I still am, I still dress alt and I don't think I'll ever abandon my steel capped boots.
But I am anything but a left winger, though most people on here would probably assume that I am if they saw me in the streets. Maybe not so much if they see me picking a fight with ANTIFA thugs though.
I would actually identify as far-right, because of my anti-government (not abolishment, but I want small government, decentralised and local), anti-corporate (as I basically consider corporations moreso in the public sector than private sector; corporations get many benefits through the government that smaller businesses don't get such as subsidies and bail outs, and therefore don't play by the rules of a free market system) and pro-free market position and the fact that I want to exterminate all Socialists.
Those are Portland Antifa rioter mugshots, and Andy Ngo once posted a much bigger collection in a single image.
I don't even think that hairstyles that deviate from the norm or tattoos make you ugly though, I think they can be made to look appealing if you actually have a good sense for aesthetics.
A lot of these people live unhealthy life styles and are likely feeling miserable and resentful all the time as that is what fuels leftism to begin with. If they actually took care of themselves, physically and mentally, I don't think they'd look that ugly.
The leftist are rudderless and godless. They seem to have all gone mad because of the lack of a spiritual foundation. To them, there is no God. They themselves have become God and most of us know what happens when to try to play God. They are full of hate and basically jealous of everyone and everything. Sad but true.
Leftists simply hate their parents, they often say it themselves on Reddit, especially if they are american.
They hate god because to them he is some kind of father figure, and also because religion is something normal people respect and take part to.
They are nihilists who refuse to accept that something that isn't them could matter.
They tend to hate their whole families. You see it often during the holidays, which they spend by themselves.
Makes Christmas so much sweeter when I'm cosy, having a good time with my family and friends and knowing that there's a bunch of miserable, lonely leftists out there. Man, if they would just all go hang themselves to end their misery, would make for one hell of an awesome Christmas gift.
>Makes Christmas so much sweeter (...) knowing that there's a bunch of miserable, lonely leftists out there
>if they would just all go hang themselves to end their misery, would make for one hell of an awesome Christmas gift.
go get help XD
Don't need help, you need a reality check. Leftists are enemies, simple as.
Moral high ground means nothing when the Socialist boot stomps down on you.
Everyone gets the face they deserve by 50. Was that a George Orwell quote? Many poor leftists are people damaged by a harmful, possibly unfair, experience of the world which has soured their outlook and appearance and rendered them mentally ill. They could stop accepting victimhood, repent and change their response to the unfairness by developing a Christian outlook which by courage and faith overcomes obstacles thereby brightening up their appearance.
I mean, I came from a broken home, with an abusive alcoholic dad who I would get into physical fights with almost daily. Don't see me whining about it and becoming a left wing subhuman.
Then again, I'm the type of person where the harder you beat me, the more I'll resist and the more you try to insult me and make me feel small, the more I will try to prove you wrong and succeed out of spite.
>came from a broken home, with an abusive alcoholic dad who I would get into physical fights with almost daily
that would explain the hatred you seem to express here. Have you consulted a mental health professional?
My hatred for leftists comes from the fact that I understand history and read a lot about Socialist regimes. After reading all that, along with books on economics that just solidify my viewpoint on how wrong and tyrannical left wingers are, I don't see how I couldn't come out of it hating leftists.
Has nothing to do with my past, Mr. armchair psychologist. Maybe my violent tendencies are related to that, but I'm better off this way. Unlike most people these days I at least have some backbone, you'll be thankful if you get assaulted by ANTIFA thugs and I'm there to help you and beat the ever living crap out of them.
The only thing that ever makes a Leftist happy is to make more people as miserable as they are themselves…
My Liberal friends refuse to consider that at least some of their significant Leftist leaders are grifters, hypocrites, liars, nasty neighborhood Gestapo types. They refuse to consider their leaders promote policies that exacerbate problems such as homelessness, drug addiction, sectarian strife, the exploitation of foreign minorities and destruction of the environment. They consider writers (Schellenberger, Ngo) who explain that renewables don't work for powering our civilization anymore, their e-car runs 98% of the time on fossil fuels (charged at night), that BLM and Democrat/Liberal agitation on behalf of Blacks and the Indigenous is in practical terms only virtue-signalling (lack of change over decades). They won't engage in any fact-based discussion on any of these issues. Because they can't.
AOC said at times we focus too much on facts and not enough on "truth". Facts are practical. Her "truth" is emotional/philosophical: the Green New Deal destroys the non-rich's current quality of life is a fact. The "planet's biosphere" needs protection is her truth.
One note: physical "beauty" requires work. Harmony and physical heath and fitness require attention and effort. Building equity requires forward thinking, career development and saving now for enjoyment later. The leftist says these are "white supremacist" traits. Because the leftist is lazy, weak and afraid. They know they can't compete or defend themselves against nonlefitsts, so their strategy is to eliminate nonleftists.
I'd like to see some stats on how many children leftists have. Extinction Rebellion and Last Generation especially. Children require self-sacrifice, forward-thinking, delayed gratification. Work. Practical matters.
I mean the ones who aren't grifters, hypocrites and liars.
Having children is difficult and expensive. The Left prefers to let right-wing people pay the entire cost of parenthood, including money, pregnancy, sleepless nights, diapers, and exasperation.
Once the kid is old enough to go to school, the Leftists take over. The result is a far-left child that was produced at far greater right-wing cost than left-wing cost.
Sneaky princes!
You say that it's the left's strategy to eliminate non-leftists.
But in all honest, since I view them as nothing other than enemies and traitors, I would eliminate them myself if I could. I don't see why people who want to rob from, enslave and genocide the people of their country and proceed to oppress them for generations to come should be given any rights at all.
Simple and short: Left is anti-GOD.
Many things are simple, though compilations like above are helpful.
There are so many examples in daily life that they are often overlooked.
Does anybody say "that's lefteous", no! We say "that's righteous!"
Left isn't right and Right isn't wrong. dEvil muddies reality purposely and keeps many imprisoned.
WHOA! A million zillion THANX for this insight (and the straight-forward approach). TRUTH is easy, comedy is hard.
The frustration of traditional conservative thinkers/doers caused by the succeeding deceit of leftists is overwhelming many. A cynicism is developing (especially amongst the elderly) to simply "blow-off" politics/elections altogether and try to protect, or live-out, our lives as best we can.
Mitch McConnell doesn't want to understand any of this. A "loss" for him simply means staying in power.
POTUS Trump is our only Hope. His sacrifice must NOT be in vain.
Does fluorescent hair dye cause brain damage, or do brain damaged individuals just like fluorescent hair dye?
"...When ya got nothin', ya got nothin' to lose..." - Robert Zimmerman
Unnatural appearance alterations (unnatural hair color, piercings, tattoos) are all signs of left-wing thinking. The person recognizes his poor natural attractiveness and decides to give the finger to "conventional beauty standards" by overtly going against them. The objective is to make it as clear as possible that he's not trying to look conventionally attractive.
Such a person invariably rebels against other norms.
"It seems much more likely that an immoral, narcissistic, manipulative psychopath would only claim to be the most “loving” person in the world to conceal their malevolent, self-serving intentions."
Look up "Mimicry Deception Theory" (MDT) proposed by Daniel N. Jones:
Their souls are ugly so of course their physical bodies & especially eyes always give it away
Liberals put other oppressed races above themselves because they don't have the spine to say they feel marginalized and no one would listen. They are fanatical because the oppressed race represents them and the violence, immoral behavior, and lashing out at others is really the rage they feel towards others for themselves being less then to themselves and they use minorities of all race,creed, gender, and sexual orientation to justify their unacceptable behavior. Like a social conversion disorder.
Actually it's the outward expression of the demon oppressing them.
Speaking of ugly, the day Roe was overturned, I watched a live-stream of someone just walking through all the groups in front of the Supreme Court. The difference in appearance of the people in various groups was very striking; most groups were protesting the ruling, and those people were some the strangest and angriest creatures I have ever seen, while the occasional group celebrating the ruling appeared vibrant, respectable, nicely dressed, etc.
Could you share a link please? I'd like to see that
Well written and expositive. No doubt the Republic is under attack by Woke Marxism. Seems to me the only way to put this Jin back in the bottle is for the Conservatives to learn how to battle the lefts "balloting" rather than seeking the individual vote. If Conservative cannot adapt and overcome this--Doom is in our future.
Doom is in our present.
I'd like to present doom to left wingers.