This is an accurate portrait of the leftist foot soldiers but not the leftist ruling class and managerial class.

The ruling class has coopted the left to serve their needs, enabling themselves to feel that they are on the side of the angels. Their propaganda outlets, like the NY times, portray the ruling class as speaking truth to power. Power being truck drivers, farmers and small business owners.

The managerial class gets a nice life in return for pledging loyalty to the rulers by immediately supporting every woke narrative. Being seen as a heretic, on the other hand, causes them to lose status, jobs and personal relationships including, if they are a man, possibly their marriage.

The true believers of this nonsense get a sense of belonging and status as well, possibly, as much better jobs than they merit.

The only people who are not being practical are those of us who are dissidents on the right. We risk the consequence of being shut out of most powerful positions, getting censored, and risking losing our jobs and bank accounts.

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A breakdown by sex would certainly heavily skew to white females as being the most radical leftist group.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

I'm not sure who those 32 people are in the grid at the top of the post. I assume they are mug shots of rioters or something similar. I looked at them closely and concluded that most of them have normal bone structure and features, but they have made themselves ugly with their hair, tattoos, and/or expressions. I think many leftist young people are part of the "indoctrinated masses" you describe, and are the victims of a rotten education system, broken families, and perverted culture. I myself, child of Communists, was a leftist activist in the 1960s until I happened to read a couple of conservative publications and turned on a dime, becoming conservative just as everyone else (it seemed) was becoming leftist. My looks didn't change, but life was better, although I remained short.

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The leftist are rudderless and godless. They seem to have all gone mad because of the lack of a spiritual foundation. To them, there is no God. They themselves have become God and most of us know what happens when to try to play God. They are full of hate and basically jealous of everyone and everything. Sad but true.

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Everyone gets the face they deserve by 50. Was that a George Orwell quote? Many poor leftists are people damaged by a harmful, possibly unfair, experience of the world which has soured their outlook and appearance and rendered them mentally ill. They could stop accepting victimhood, repent and change their response to the unfairness by developing a Christian outlook which by courage and faith overcomes obstacles thereby brightening up their appearance.

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The only thing that ever makes a Leftist happy is to make more people as miserable as they are themselves…

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My Liberal friends refuse to consider that at least some of their significant Leftist leaders are grifters, hypocrites, liars, nasty neighborhood Gestapo types. They refuse to consider their leaders promote policies that exacerbate problems such as homelessness, drug addiction, sectarian strife, the exploitation of foreign minorities and destruction of the environment. They consider writers (Schellenberger, Ngo) who explain that renewables don't work for powering our civilization anymore, their e-car runs 98% of the time on fossil fuels (charged at night), that BLM and Democrat/Liberal agitation on behalf of Blacks and the Indigenous is in practical terms only virtue-signalling (lack of change over decades). They won't engage in any fact-based discussion on any of these issues. Because they can't.

AOC said at times we focus too much on facts and not enough on "truth". Facts are practical. Her "truth" is emotional/philosophical: the Green New Deal destroys the non-rich's current quality of life is a fact. The "planet's biosphere" needs protection is her truth.

One note: physical "beauty" requires work. Harmony and physical heath and fitness require attention and effort. Building equity requires forward thinking, career development and saving now for enjoyment later. The leftist says these are "white supremacist" traits. Because the leftist is lazy, weak and afraid. They know they can't compete or defend themselves against nonlefitsts, so their strategy is to eliminate nonleftists.

I'd like to see some stats on how many children leftists have. Extinction Rebellion and Last Generation especially. Children require self-sacrifice, forward-thinking, delayed gratification. Work. Practical matters.

I mean the ones who aren't grifters, hypocrites and liars.

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WHOA! A million zillion THANX for this insight (and the straight-forward approach). TRUTH is easy, comedy is hard.

The frustration of traditional conservative thinkers/doers caused by the succeeding deceit of leftists is overwhelming many. A cynicism is developing (especially amongst the elderly) to simply "blow-off" politics/elections altogether and try to protect, or live-out, our lives as best we can.

Mitch McConnell doesn't want to understand any of this. A "loss" for him simply means staying in power.

POTUS Trump is our only Hope. His sacrifice must NOT be in vain.

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Simple and short: Left is anti-GOD.

Many things are simple, though compilations like above are helpful.

There are so many examples in daily life that they are often overlooked.

Does anybody say "that's lefteous", no! We say "that's righteous!"

Left isn't right and Right isn't wrong. dEvil muddies reality purposely and keeps many imprisoned.

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Does fluorescent hair dye cause brain damage, or do brain damaged individuals just like fluorescent hair dye?

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

Liberals put other oppressed races above themselves because they don't have the spine to say they feel marginalized and no one would listen. They are fanatical because the oppressed race represents them and the violence, immoral behavior, and lashing out at others is really the rage they feel towards others for themselves being less then to themselves and they use minorities of all race,creed, gender, and sexual orientation to justify their unacceptable behavior. Like a social conversion disorder.

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"It seems much more likely that an immoral, narcissistic, manipulative psychopath would only claim to be the most “loving” person in the world to conceal their malevolent, self-serving intentions."

Look up "Mimicry Deception Theory" (MDT) proposed by Daniel N. Jones:


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Actually it's the outward expression of the demon oppressing them.

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Their souls are ugly so of course their physical bodies & especially eyes always give it away

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Well written and expositive. No doubt the Republic is under attack by Woke Marxism. Seems to me the only way to put this Jin back in the bottle is for the Conservatives to learn how to battle the lefts "balloting" rather than seeking the individual vote. If Conservative cannot adapt and overcome this--Doom is in our future.

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The only thing that ever makes a Leftist happy is to make more people as miserable as they are themselves…

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